New conditions to enter Japan for tourists

Following the announcement of the Japanese government, tourism could restart under certain conditions. These conditions are still far from being clear and need to be clarified in order to know who, how and within what limits travelers will be able to enter Japan this summer.
Who can come?
- Everyone, if you are part of a group.
- This group can be very small, even one person can form a group.
- Il ne sera pas demandé de preuves de vaccinations ou de test PCR réalisé avant le départ (pour les pays « sûrs » classés dans la catégorie bleue dont la France, la Suisse ou le Canada).
- Proof of vaccinations or PCR tests performed prior to departure will not be required (for “safe” countries classified in the blue category including France, Switzerland or Canada).
- Travelers must not have stayed in another country until 14 days prior to departure.
WARNING: the number of arrivals in Japan in June is still limited to 20,000 people. This number should increase in July and afterwards. It is hoped that this limit will be lifted if there are no negative effects from returning tourists.
What should travel agencies expect?
- The group will need to be accompanied during the trip. The escort does not have to be a guide or an employee of a travel agency, but must be able to communicate in Japanese.
- Tour guides or lecturers arriving in Japan with the group will also be accepted.
- The trip must be registered with the ERFS. A map of the trip will not be required. Identification of the group members must be provided prior to departure.
- The travel agency or its provider will be considered responsible for what happens during the trip.
ATTENTION: The organizing agency or service provider must be approved by the ERFS system. My Japan Travels has already received its approval and can safely organize trips.
What precautions are required of travelers?
- Even if there is no obligation to vaccinate or to wear a mask, precautions must be taken as described below (wearing a mask in closed areas, disinfecting hands). Travelers may be asked to wear their masks if necessary.
- Free time during travel should be limited to open areas and for a limited time.

These conditions came into effect on June 10, 2022. If all goes according to plan, we can expect a return to barrier-free tourism for all.