Ghibli Museum: change in the procedure for purchasing tickets

The procedure for purchasing Ghibli tickets in Japan has changed more significantly.
The changes are currently only for sales in Japan. Sales from overseas sites remain suspended for now, however it is possible that these changes will be announced when sales resume.
The new system requires that the buyer (or the person on whose behalf the purchase is made) be the same person who comes to the museum.
The buyer (or a representative of the buyer) will have to prove that they are the same person as the person coming to the museum. This is a much stricter identification standard than the previous system.
Potential buyers will thus have to meet the following requirements:
- The reservation request can only be made via a smartphone.
- Registration of the phone number of the smartphone from which the ticket is downloaded will be mandatory (for the moment only Japanese numbers are accepted).
- Reservations can be made between only until one week before the scheduled visit.
- If these conditions are met, then the customer will be able to purchase tickets online for up to six people via the app.
These changes mean that reservations can only be made via a smartphone and tickets will now be digital.
The phone number must match that of the person making the reservation and the ticket cannot be reallocated, the buyer must be present.
This makes identification much stricter than before and no longer allows for purchase by a supplier.
For the time being, there is no mention of how tickets for foreign visitors will be sold, but we will keep you informed of any changes in the way you buy your tickets.